
Our Attendance Secretary is Robin McDougle.
Phone: (509) 334-3411

Please call as early as possible to notify the office of the absence.
Doctor appointments or early pick-up
Call the office and we will have your child waiting there for you. Upon arrival, come in to the office to sign “Excuse to Leave School Grounds”. If your student returns to school the same day, please have them check in with the office prior to returning to class. Call or email the office during distance learning.
Absent 3+ Days
Send a note with your child to give to the office before their absence, if they are in school. They will receive a Homework Sheet, which they will take to each of their teachers. Families should call or email.
Important! If you email or contact your child’s teachers to tell them your child will be absent, please be sure to notify the office as well.

How can I check my student’s attendance records?
  1. Families can generally apply the format of: first 5 characters of last name, first 3 characters of first name, followed by 3 zeroes, as their standard template username. If you need assistance with username or password information, feel free to call the office at 509-334-3411.
  2. Once logged in, use the left side menu options to navigate to the ‘Attendance’ tab.
  3. Families are able to view attendance for all students at once, or filter by a single student view (found in the upper-left screen – families with more than one student will see an ‘All Students’ dropdown list.